Saturday, December 17, 2011

Networking - Which Level Are You?

Networking can be mystifying at the best of times if you just don't 'get it'.  You attend functions where there seem to be a lot of people standing around, seemingly all talking at once, flashing business cards and writing things down.

Wonder what they are doing? Are they really getting anything out of it?

You  try networking, but you seem to be missing something, because there don't seem to be any results from it.  Maybe you just don't understand about the levels.

There are 3 levels of networking:

First Level – 2 people meet and can do business

Second Level - 2 people meet and know someone who needs the service and tell each other

Third Level – 2 people understand each other’s services and as they go about their day to day business, perhaps they see a building going up and stop and find out who the other person should talk to, and tell the other person.  
In the course of doing business with a company, you see a need your connections could solve, and suggest they could use the services of your connections, and make an introduction (i.e. via email).
Level 3 networking is where you really want to be in terms of skill and activity.  It's about relationships with your fellow networkers.
What does it take to be a successful networker?  Consistency, being front of mind, creativity and imagination, staying in touch, supporting those around you, attending events, presenting a consistent professional image, and giving, even if you don't get to start with.
So think about it and figure out how you can become a level 3 networker.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Should You Have More Than One?

Website, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Yahoo, Google, MSN etc.?

My answer would be a resounding YES!

The more Websites and Social Media Pages you have, the more you can take advantage of key search words for Search Engine Optimization.

If you have more than one business, you may want to present a totally different image for each site consistent with your branding and separate sites allows you to do that.

Different Market Segments may be interested in different areas of your business and when they are using a search engine, they use keywords particular to their area of interest.  You can only use so many keywords and metatags for each site, however, the more keywords you use and the more Geographic areas you list, the more likely your business will be found; multiple sites allow you to use more key words, increasing the likelihood of your business being found.

Multiple sites are a great way to showcase your values and personality which are becoming so much more important in making a decision to work with a professional.  It answers the question of “What are they really about and do I want to be associated with this company?”

Link the sites together to give a complete picture of you and your so searchers will completely explore the possibilities of your services and research has shown you will gain more business.

How Do You Know That?

I have been challenged many times in a conversation when I state what to me is a fact, with “How do you know that?”  The answer is simple “I read it” or “I saw it when I travelled to...”

I read voraciously.  I read books and not just for recreation, newspapers, magazines (More Magazine is a favourite), flyers, ads, tourist information, whatever I can get my hands on.  I spend time in the library scanning parts of the new books.  I am a regular at the nearby discount bookstore where the staff are so used to seeing me browse, they discuss the latest books with me.

I have found some really useful and interesting sites on the internet and download articles to save “in case I need them”.  I have articles saved on the computer, in a binder, and in a file to put in the binder, when I get a ‘round tuit’.

The point of this is to encourage you to read and to let you know there is a wealth of information available to help you with your business.  The most useful sites I have found include which has some great “how to” information for your business.  I recently spent an afternoon browsing through (Small Business TV) which has informative and helpful articles, and a menu of webcasts in a wide variety of business areas.  The websites of other groups and companies are also useful; check out Company of Women, and Art of Marketing for some good business tips

There are many more helpful sites, and yes you may ‘borrow’ my articles!  Let me know how I can help.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Telephone Messages

Do you know who Richard Rice is? 

Neither do I! 

He left a message with a phone number on my cell phone on Friday evening (?) asking me to call him. 

He has a hint of an Irish accent, the soft kind with a bit of a lilt from around Dublin.

The problem is that the phone number does not exist.  I don't recognize it.  I can't find the number in any reverse number search.  I tried to Google him, and searched LinkedIn and FaceBook.  No Joy there either!

I think we have a lesson in phone message ettiquette.

If I knew what he wanted to talk to me about, or how he got my CELL Number, I might be able to track him down and return the call.

I can only hope that if it's important, he will call me back.

When you leave a phone message, please listen to the message upfront (have you even called the right phone number to begin with), speak clearly, leave an accurate return phone number and a brief message with the reason for the call - who are you and why you want me to call you back.

Of course, check the message on your phone systems and make sure people can hear who they have called (in case it`s a wrong number).

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Did you hear that?
It's the sound of all the days of October just flying by.

The days were filled with:
  • A visit to At The Office, in Woodstock - and reconnecting with business owners there.
  • I attended 2 conferences about AODA - Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act.  Why?  One of the advantages of being a Marketing Person is being able to see the big picture, and work on many facets of a business.  I am flattered by being invited to partner with Beyond Rewards on a huge project: providing information sessions on the Integrated Standard (Employment, Transportation, Communication and Information).  Panel members include an Employment & Labour Lawyer and experts in Human Rights and Employment for persons with Disabilities.  This applies to ALL Businesses. Mark November 15th on your calendar and please visit for more information.
  • Of course November 10th is the Guelph Business to Business Network Meeting.  Special Exercise to help you plan for success in 2012. 
  • There was Small Business Week
  • Meetings with a number of interesting new people for coffee 
So, see you on the 10th and the 15th.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Finding Your Clients

It's an absolutely wonderful day today with a blue sky, sunshine and warm despite a sharp gusty wind.  I have just returned from my annual foray to feed my soul with local art in the Fergus Elora Studio Tour. 

I marvelled at just how well one of the artists has done since taking that leap of faith to create her own business, successfully grow it and be in demand.  She has managed to find her ideal clients and discover and fill their needs, making a good living from it.  There is a lesson here for all entrepreneurs.

"How do I sell my stuff?" is one of the usual questions. 

It doesn't matter what you are selling - art or heavy scientific equipment, the quest is the same.  You have to identify your ideal client, define their needs, determine how you can fill those needs (solve their problem) and go and find them so you can connect with them.  Communication has to be in the language of the customer, and you have to remember WIFM (What's in it for me?  Me being the customer).

What's in Art for me?  Tons - too much to define here - it feeds my soul, it makes me feel good and gives me the energy to help my clients!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Your Numbers

First of all let me say that I didn't realize how long it's been since I added a post!  Originally the intention was to post weekly.  I have been so busy that has gone by the wayside, however, in the spirit of monthly review and realigning intentions, back to the weekly post!
The Marketing Morning Workshop was a success thanks to the team of my fellow presenters Crista Renner and Ron Plasschaert, and Janice Moffat who was the detail person and timekeeper.  Time got away on us; with all the good intentions of providing a toolkit for participants to create their own marketing plan in the 2 hours allotted....  I offered a free hour of my time one on one to help with individual plans - 8 people have taken me up on it.
One of the things that came out of it was that people don't know their numbers!
What did you sell last year?  Divide by 12 for a monthly average.  Adjust for seasonal variations.  What does the curve look like on a graph by month? What do you need?  What are the ratios between Suspects/Prospects/Clients?  What is your closing ratio?  How do you find your Suspects?  If you don't know these numbers, how do you know how much work and what type you have to do to make a living?
There is a whole other discussion about ideal client and how to find them!!!!

Marketing Workbook
I prepared a detailed workbook with information, resources and exercises that when completed would be the basis of a marketing plan.  There are a number surplus to our needs, and they are available for $15 cash at the next B2B Meeting on September 29.  For a total of $50, you can book an hour of my time for a run thru and get a workbook.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Guelph B2B Network Group Info


The Guelph Business to Business Network Group draws members from a 125km radius of Guelph.  Members are B2B providers who provide a service to businesses (as opposed to the people in the business), living/providing services within Guelph and Wellington.  All are well connected, experienced business people, experienced in networking and they can and do share contacts and leads.

The purpose of the group is to:

·         Find solutions to issues encountered in your business and help others

·         Make/gain new contacts

·         Make/gain referrals for new business

The meetings are scheduled every 6-8 weeks around the activities of other business organizations.

Timing of the Meetings

I believe you should spend one day a week on your future.  That can mean sales, meetings, research, networking, attending trade shows, whatever you need to do, including getting an oil change on your car because your car is part of your business.  I also believe networking is part of your business so it should happen in business hours.  We meet from 9.30am to 11.30am.  This gives people a chance to put fires out, come to the meeting, and then make sure the fire’s out then have lunch.

Who is in the Group?

The focus is Business to Business, not Business to Consumer.

We don’t have the Financial Planner/Real Estate/Mortgage Broker/Banker/Home Inspector/Mover group as they are really a service to the people in the business.

There are a couple of Financial Planners who specialize in planning for businesses and a Commercial Banker.

We also don’t have the holistic health circle because one again, they are services to the individual not the business.

We have a couple of each business type in the B2B categories.  Competition is not the enemy.  They can be your best friend if you are overloaded, need a source of information, or just a friend to talk to who understands the business.

The members all have top notch skills and have a lot to offer.  They want to work on independent schedules because they all have other commitments.  They like a variety of work, and find contract work is suitable.

Starting the group:

Stage 1

First of all I started the group with the idea of getting people from my 7 distinct networks within 125 km radius together so they could meet each other, help each other with connections and grow.  Guelph cannot operate in isolation and neither can any other town.  There are skills and experiences the newer as well as existing businesses will need as they continue to grow and stretch their wings.  Business and Culture outside the area is different, so they will need ‘friendly’ contacts to help them make sense of it, and to make referrals for them.

Stage 2

This is designed to help people grow their business outside of the closed loop of each other and each other’s contacts.

The next stage is to bring in larger businesses that will use the skills in the group, and make connections with organizations that are in contact with businesses that could benefit from their skills on an as needed basis.

Business Trends – entrepreneurial businesses, lean and nimble, use the skills they need when they need them (contract workers etc. which is what members like).

This group is uniquely positioned, particularly as there is a focus in this area on the Innovation Sector: many will also be small businesses (to start with) that will need these services.

Meeting details:

Symposium Restaurant

9.30am Doors Open,

Registration 9.45,

Program Start 10.00

Networking Fee of $10.00

What We Are All About
First of all, the B2B Group is about growing business.   

There are opportunities at the networking meetings to

ü  Find solutions to some speed bumps encountered in your businesses,

ü  Make new contacts

ü  Gain referrals for new business

ü  Make referrals to others for new business

ü  Help others solve problems

There are really 3 opportunities for networking at these meetings.

1.     While we say the doors open at 9.30, and the program starts at 10.00, I find people are already lined up at the door when I arrive. So it’s open networking.

2.     I find there are some shy ones who are either there for the first time, or need some time to warm to the room and the people.  To ease people into the whole networking thing, we have small tables of 4 where there is a discussion topic.  Feedback tells me that people get some real solutions so I make a point of making the discussion topic meaty, to do with business.

3.     The third opportunity is in the 30 second introduction.  I always have a variation on the question to be answered in the introduction to stop it from getting stale.  It gives people a reason to connect afterwards.

The meeting is supposed to be over at 11.30, but I find people are still talking when I leave.

People have all got good leads and solutions from the group.

The members are all well connected, experienced businesspeople as well as experienced in networking.  They can and do share contacts with each other.

Sometimes we use nametags, and sometimes not.  It keeps the businesses secret so you have to go and talk to people to find out who they are and what they do.

If we are going to have a number of new people, to break the ice at the beginning, I put together “Talk To” cards.  They are just cards with a person’s name on it and a few others I think they should talk to.  I have been told it’s a brilliant ice breaker because it’s like a permission ticket to talk to people.  They have to find out why I have said to talk to each other, so it creates an opportunity for networking.

It's a good investment of your time, and it certainly isn't boring.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Glorious Summer

Like anyone else, I complain about the weather.  Let's face it, we live in a country of extremes from    -40c (without the windchill) in the winter, to the +51c (including the humidex) of the other day.  That was indeed hot.

However, starting with the monsoon we called spring that drearily went on forever to the recent tropical blast of heat, this year's weather has contributed to glorious, lush vegetation. 

Out and about I can see the fabulous wild flowers in the ditches.  It brought to mind England's hedgerows and wheat fields strewn with red poppies I saw a few years ago.  There is a difference.  Instead of England's poppies and hedgerows of many different flowering bushes, Canadian ditches offer vibrant orange Tiger Lilies, delicate Queen Anne's Lace, the unaptly named vibrant blue Viper's Bugloss and a yellow flower whose name escapes me.  The fields offer Daisies and a yellow flower I think is Tansy (it's early).

There are the grasses!  Starting early in summer as grass starts to grow and poke its flowers above the general level of the other vegetation, the roadsides and ditches are painted with different shades of green.  Each type of grass is a different colour and the delicate flowers and seed heads are bushy to feathery in colours and hues of brown, rust and a tawny shade.  Clumps or streaks of colour the along the sides of the road and in the ditches create patches of varying shades and texture.  They are tempting to photograph, but as I try, I am reminded of the brain's ability to focus and tune the eye so it sees only what it wants to see but the camera sees everything and the grasses are lost in the general jumble and disappear.

I am looking forward to the Hollyhocks planted along the roadsides by the birds, or rural homeowners with a sense of humour that will soon bloom by mailboxes, creating another riot of colour.  Small birds love the seed heads.

One day, when I have time, I am going to learn to paint and capture the grasses and their flowers.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Mid-Point of the Year - Good Point to Regroup

Did you hear it?  Did you feel it?  That was June, and indeed the first six months of the year.
What are you going to make happen in the next six months?  Business, health, financial,  personal or life in general?
I help clients with their business, specifically Marketing.
In the B2B Group, Registration Cards are required for every meeting.  It helps pin down the CURRENT needs of the group for information, stretching and growth.
Lately, most of the topics requested have been 'MARKETING'.
There are so many parts to Marketing.  One definition is "All the activities required to bring your product or service to market".  Pretty broad!  Psssst!  It includes number crunching! (Oh No!)
The key word for small business is Activity.
So, always wanting to help, and keeping an eye on what the customer wants, there will be a B2B Marketing Morning August 11, where you will follow a program, pick multiple brains, and end up with an activity plan targetted to your business.  There will even be coffee!  All for $25.  Registration required.
For more

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Are You Talking Your Customer's Language?

Are you speaking in terms your customer understands?

This was brought home to me today.  It wasn't that I was talking jargon, or using an incomprehensible level of language, neither of which I do.  It was the delivery!  

I created a letter for a client to send to a prospect, using a normal businesslike approach (I thought), with an introduction ...I am writing to you because...a middle....a little bit about my client and where to go online for information, reference to literature included...and a call to action closure...I would like to arrange a meeting.

This is the style and the introduction format I have always used for business letters.  Working as a consultant for multiple businesses in many areas, it has always worked.  It's short, to the point, polite, businesslike, has always been effective and is easily adapted to all kinds of different industries.

Apparently it was too hard hitting. 

In this particular business, touches, although businesslike, have to be softer and the communication more detailed.  Although I realize that most business people have limited time to read detailed information, and a covering letter is just, that with references to accompanying information or to a website with more information, apparently there are some businesses where information is relayed by letter.

While I am glad of the lesson, BEFORE it caused an issue, it really made me think. I will be more diligent in the future treading the minefield of communication style.

Live and learn!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Thinking About Referrals Today.

Referrals as a Key Marketing Tool

Referrals are a way of life in today’s business world.  People who refer you are doing your selling for you.  Word of mouth is the best way of growing your business and solving your business issues.  It takes the guesswork out of finding a good person to do whatever you need, saving time, aggravation and therefore money.   

As more and more people work on contract, they rely on referrals for work and people using contract workers would rather use someone referred by people they know because there is an implied level of competence and reliability. 

When you make a referral, you are endorsing both parties.  You are saying that the referred person will do a good job and the person receiving the benefit of the referral is OK to work with. 

As one being helped by being referred or receiving a referral, it is up to you to treat the other respectfully and to be on your best behaviour because it reflects on the person who took the time to make the referral. 

I have made countless referrals and recommendations usually successfully.  I take personalities, skill levels, and focus into account when I make a referral.  I need to look like I know what I am doing. 

How to make the referral:

Make sure you understand the need.

Assess the skills and fit of those in your databank. 

I make an email connection, copying both parties; explain the need and how the skills of the person I am referring may help.

Provide contact information; I send the Outlook V-cards, and leave it up to each person to make contact.

How to be the one referred:

Thank the person making the referral.

Contact the person to whom you have been referred and take it from there as you would a normal lead.

Upon completion, contact the person who made the referral and let them know how well it went and thank them again.

If this is one of the usual ways of getting business, perhaps a finder’s fee, commission or token would be in order for the person who made the referral.

How to receive the referral:

Thank the person making the referral.

Communicate with the referred person.

Upon completion, contact the person who made the referral and let them know how well it went and thank them again.

If everyone respects the spirit of referrals with consideration, is professional, and does the best job they can, referrals will be successful as a prime source of leads and a key marketing tool. 

Sunday, March 27, 2011

What To Do?

Inertia- something to do with the energy required to get something moving as opposed to the energy required to keep it moving.
Think about it in relation to your business: there are dozens of things you can do to create business and while you are fussing about what you should be doing and actually doing nothing, you are burning energy and losing time.
I recommend people carry and use a marketing planner and keep a list of marketing activities you can use to slot into your marketing agenda.
Your annual plan of marketing activities is also a good reference for those times when you hit a block.
What ever happens, like the Nike Ad says: Just Do It!

Friday, March 4, 2011


Two months down.  Did you notice them go by?  Whoooosh!
What is it you really want to achieve this year?  Pick one thing that would make a difference to your business, and think it through. 
How do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time. 
Break the elephant up into bites, and make the first step: list the activities, check your calendar, mark the bites into it, look up the phone numbers for tomorrow, tell someone about your wish/goal, what ever it is that you can do now.  You will feel you have made a start, and feel better about it, and then it will become more or a reality, with all the benefits upon completion.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Drive to Business Success

Look to this blog for Marketing and Business ideas and thoughts for businesses of all sizes.
There are so many practical things you can do to grow your business.  Success is driven not by one big newsworthy thing that you do, but by the ordinary small day to day things you do to run your business.  Image is everything, so remember as a business person you are always "ON", and behave as if you are with a client even when you think there's nobody looking