Thursday, July 5, 2012

What Do You Do To Relax and Control Stress?

Statistics show that Small Business Owners just don't take care of themselves.  Whether the excuse is lack of time, or the pressure of so many tasks (typically it's a one person show), taking care of ourselves is low on the priority list.  Actually it should be first on the list because a well maintained engine operates more efficiently and has a longer life span.  I find I think more clearly and focus better if I am well rested and my stress level is under control. 

There are so many things you can do ( a lot of them free) that give you a break and help you control your stress level.
What do you do?

One way to control your stress level is to learn some relaxation techniques from Renate Donnovan of Emergence Hypnotherapy & Coaching.

Renate will be showing us some techniques at the Guelph B2B Network Meeting on July 12.

If this is of interest to you, contact me at